Meetings And Event Schedual For 2006/2007IMG SRC
Celtic bullets courtesy Celtic Web Art
Meetings held every second Saturday from Oct-April at Best Western
in Weslaco, Texas. Program begins at 2:00pm
Denotes Programs/Meetings 2nd Sat/2:00pm/Best Western
Denotes an EVENT
October 21st Program
The season opens with a program by James Lane on the Scottish battalions in the Revolutionary and Indian Wars in the South (Georgia). Session begins at 2:00 pm at the Best Western on the expressway in Weslaco. A light menu will be offered by the restaurant VIP lounge.
Kirkin O' The Tartans
The annual Blessing of the Clans will be held on October 29. We are going to be with the First Presbyterian Church in Weslaco for this event. It will begin at 10:30am and will be followed with a tea and shortbread reception after the service.
November 11th Program
The second meeting will feature a program by Rose Bowery on her Clan and recent travels to Scotland. Program begins at 2pm at the Best Western,Weslaco in the Topaz rm.
Christmas Ceiligh
January 13th 2007 Program
The program is on Celtic Christianity and the Celtic Church. The program will be given by Susan Johnson We will be deep in preparations for Burn's night and will be discussing this.
January 27th 26th Annual Burn's Night
We will have Jeff Moore and Heather Gilmer for this Gala event at our new location at the Best Western off the exp in Weslaco.
Feb.10th 2007 Program
No program set at this time. This is officer nominating committee appointment night.
Celtic Night March 17th
This event is CANCELLED this year.
Tartan Day April 6th
Celebration of the end of the proscription of wearing of Highland dress. Piping and dinner. History too! Installation of new officers. Location, Luby's cafeteria, on the expressway in Weslaco. Time...6:30